immigration uncovered podcast


James Pittman

James Pittman


Jeff Joseph, Esq.

Jeff Joseph, Esq.

President-Elect of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), Partner, Berry, Appleman & Leiden (BAL)


Achieving Outstanding Outcomes for Your Clients with AILA President-Elect Jeff Joseph

In this episode of Immigration Uncovered, host James Pittman interviews Jeff Joseph, the president-elect of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). They discuss what it takes to be a great immigration lawyer, achieving successful outcomes for clients, best practices, the importance of ethics and persistence, how technology and AI are changing immigration law, and Jeff's goals and vision as the incoming AILA president.

Key Discussion Points:

  • The difference between an average and a great immigration lawyer is empathy, communication, and guiding clients through the process.
  • Outlining all possible scenarios and being transparent with clients leads to better outcomes.
  • Persistence in fighting cases is key - you have to pursue every possible remedy.
  • Technology and AI are rapidly changing immigration law practice.
  • Ethics, professional rules of conduct, and honesty are non-negotiable.

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